
Software Ops - Builder of Advanced Secure Apps

Makers of My Eyes Only®, ID Lock® and My Eyes Only® Photo


Software Ops - Builder of Advanced Secure Apps

Makers of My Eyes Only®, ID Lock® and My Eyes Only® Photo

Established 2008

Our Accomplishments

Software Ops has been in existence as long as it has been possible to develop for Apple's iOS, (called iPhone OS back in the day). We are serving 10’s thousands of customers around the world with our personal data apps.


Mobile App Security Experts

Software Ops is an expert in mobile app security.

Mobile App Security Experts

Software Ops is an expert in mobile app security.

Software Ops and Mobile App Platform Security

Since its inception, Software Ops has been providing in app contact security through encryption of sensitive data. The current mobile app products My Eyes Only 7, My Eyes Only Classic and Photo Safe Pro all fully encrypt user data. 

Mobile App Security


We use 256 bit AES encryption for the data stored on the device. The encryption keys are created using the app access password and a salt using the PBKDF2 derivative function. This process makes cracking the key extremely difficult. It is also important to note that if one of our app customers forgets their password, we can’t help them because we do not have access t0 their key.

We also have implemented techniques that allows encryption and deception of data in and out of iOS’s Core Data technology.  We do it in a way that doesn’t fully encrypt the Core Data database. We also have produced encryption technology that allows large chunks of data, like high quality photos, to be encrypted and decrypted in background threads on iOS to ensure uninhibited user interaction with the app. There is no impact on app usability.

Cloud App Security


We always build cloud services using secure transport layer networking through HTTPS connections.