How to Hire and App Developer


How to Hire and App Developer

Over the years, I have had way too many conversations with persecutive clients who as for a price of an app or spend all their time trying to explain what their app does so they can get a price on the first call. 

This is complete insanity! Stop Doing that!


Mobile Apps at the Center of IoT


Mobile Apps at the Center of IoT

I purchased two new technologies for my family this Christmas, a new WiFi enabled Roomba and an eero mesh network WiFi router.  What do they have in common?  They both have simple, elegant and amazing mobile apps that help configure the technology.

This is as it should be. 


Custom Software To The Rescue


Custom Software To The Rescue

In my previous post, “Software Is Necessary For Your Business- PERIOD!” I made a case that because we’re living through the fourth Industrial Revelation (IR-4), all businesses need software to stay competitive. This is not an earth shattering claim to anybody in the high-tech industry, it is “obvious” to all.  

But, high-tech software based business is not the target of this post. My target is real-world businesses in industries other than high-tech. Industries that interact with the “real world” not just the virtual world. I’m speaking to you… LISTEN UP!


What I want to see at WWDC (2017)


What I want to see at WWDC (2017)

Apple will likely introduce new consumer products along with new versions of all their OSes.  All the standard stuff. What I’m looking for is something fantastic like the Swift language introduction two years ago, something that will WOW developers. That something is IoTOS.

What would IoTOS look like and what is the market?


Software Is Necessary For Your Business - PERIOD!


Software Is Necessary For Your Business - PERIOD!

The current situation that all businesses are in is what is being termed the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR-4). It is the revolution of computers, the Internet, mobile, Internet-of-Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/LM)

No business will survive without embracing the IR-4 and that means embracing all things computer and software. 


Software Must Be Built


Software Must Be Built

Marc Andreessen of Netscape fame wrote an essay where he coined the phrase, “Why Software Is Eating The World.” The essay claims that software is disrupting business models well outside of traditional software offerings. For years, businesses have utilized software for customer relations, employee management, payroll, and finances. Today, businesses must build custom software that enhances their operations and connects them with their customers. There is no question that Marc is correct with his assessment, we see it all around us. The question is, how does a business that is far from high-tech deal with the current situation?


Building Liberty

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Building Liberty

Liberty Industrial Group scaffolding inspection and inventory platform that is. 

Software Ops conducted a rollout review with our client Liberty Industrial Group who commissioned Software Ops to build a scaffold inspection and inventory system. The system is design for their staff on location at construction sites and therefore the mobile component is the key to the whole system.  We have launched the rollout of the beta to our client. The initial rollout of a project is always interesting because, we deploy the mobile software into the wild for the first time and we see how people really want to use the system.

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